28 November 2009

Almost Ready 26/365

I'm so excited about my house! The builder/sim owner said I could go ahead and start moving stuff in even tho the house is not 100% completed. YAY! But I really don't want to move much until it's done. So I have a Christmas tree in the window.

Looking back, I think I might have been dupped by this charming, sweet, wonderful, talented man. He was so sweet, very nice and charming....and I loved it! Next thing I know he's building my dream house on a wonderful piece of land....for only a "few" lindens. He is GOOD! LOL

But the house is perfect and I can't wait until it's done. Home sweet Home, right? Who cares if the charming architect is also a savvy salesman. ;-)

Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving.

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  1. It looks beautiful! Actually when I first saw the RL photo that inspired it, I couldn't believe something like that exists in RL :)

  2. Thanks B! I'm so excited. It's almost done. Yay!

    Everything is better in RL...but this is really close. I would love to see this house..the real one.


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