28 November 2009

Autumn Turns to Winter 27/365


I love this time of year with all the anticipation of the upcoming holidays. Turkey Day is over, the relatives have left, and there are still lots of leftovers in the fridge. Yum!

Tonight I ponder SLove and all it is and isn't. What it can offer and what it can't. I think it would be awesome to have someone in your slife that you could hang with...do silly things with...talk to about important things...someone's shoulder to cry on and ride and giggle and wear funny costumes and be silly, serious, sexy and ...well....a friend.

I find that very difficult to find in SL. Those "connections" and "feelings" get in the way. But do I want that again? Do I want to go down that road?

I have been so lucky and have had some awesome guys want to get to know me in the past few months. There is not one thing wrong with any of them as for as I could tell. But before it goes too far, I either pull the "friend" card or do something that lets them know I am not interested in anything but friendship. So far, as awesome as these guys are, I haven't had an attachment that made it difficult to let go and move on. Recently, I met someone who I connected with. You know, one of those deep connections where you are saying the same things at the same time. Laughing at all the same silly things. And sharing a lot about your inner most selves. It was awesome. It was scary as hell. It was time to move on! LOL ***RED FLAGS*** You know that sound the movers make at Sam's or Costco when they are moving things around? It's a warning to move out of the way. That's what it sounded like in my head! lol

Some of you may wonder why I wouldn't want to go down that road again. It isn't that I didn't want to. Inside an equally loud sound was going off telling me to go for it. Reminding me of how wonderful falling in SLove can be at times. But this time, I knew what it was all about and where it would inevitably lead, for me. Not to a good place.

I'm not looking for RL. I have one already. It may not be perfect, but I'm not willing to walk away from it. So Joonie walked away from what might have been SLove. Sad? You betcha! ;) But for me, it's best to hurt now a little bit than to hurt lots later. Make any sense? Or did Joonie forget to take her meds? ;)

Happy Winter!


Clothes - Random Complimentary Leggings (Black)
Snatch Gift 2 - Ho Ho No Sweater
Skin - Curio June 2
Hair - Hal*Hina Noa - light brown
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  1. Joonie, I loved this post. It's so honest about the process you went through. I think it's awesome that you could see things (and hear them LOL) for what they were/are. I think this made perfect sense and shows a lot of growth/
    consciousness/enviable common sense.

    Yay for RL!!!!! :D

    PS, love the photo!!!


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