14 November 2009

No Place Like Home 11/365

This is my humble abode. For unknown reasons, I'm going to blow it up tomorrow. I dunno why. It's just time.

I seem to do that a lot...blow things up for no good reason. I get bored with the status quo and I have to tear it
all apart and start over, sometimes to disasterous effects. But it still has to be done, you know? Have you ever
felt like that?

Tonight, I want to sell everything I own and hit the open road. Put the top down and blast music while the wind
blows through my hair. But I'm pretty sure I'll wake up in the morning in my bed here at home.

I need some blues to dance to.

Cute little Fall House is by Mudshake...look it up. ;)

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  1. Your abode is adorable. Why you feel like that?

  2. Thanks Trouble. I don't know really. Good question. Just looking for new beginnings, I guess. =)


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