14 November 2009

New Girl in Town 12/365

Meet my new alt. She's just a day old. She would def make my age alarm go off on my Emerald viewer. Let's just follow new girl around the grid and see what happens to her. And don't worry, I'm really good at acting like a newb and like I don't know anything. You don't have to agree so quickly! :P

Stay tuned....or not. It could be incredibly boring. But it's a whole new story! And you guys can make suggestions of what NG does next.  For blog purposes, I will refer to her as Natasha. LMAO!

Ohh...new game. I'll provide pics over the course of her existence until someone finds her and IMs me that it's really ... erm...me. Or something like that.

Or not. Maybe I'm just bored. Nah.  LOL


see ya on the flip side!


Shape - Linden Labs
Skin - Linden Labs
Hair - Linden Labs
Clothes - you don't care


  1. She's cute, can't believe she's all Linden Lab made. Good luck on the new journey, to you both :) I had a great time with my alt back in my days, though I still logged Bailey in too. Such a great time that the alt actually completely took over when Bailey came back after the first SL break - that's when she bacame a full time SL kid. Not sure which one I would be if I was ever going back to SL, but I probably don't need to think about it, cause in RL, I'm both :)

  2. You def are! :) I really have no idea why I'm doing this. To start over maybe. Second Chances in my Second life. i dunno.

  3. Joonie, maybe we can Bogart the trite saying about "It's never too late to have a happy childhood" and say it's never too late to have a happy Second Life!!

    Seriously tho...I think the only time we stop getting second chances is when we kick the bucket and even then...I have a feeling that might be its own second (or third or twentieth) chance...

    So go Natasha! Can't wait to see who she becomes! You better keep us posted!:D She may be all Linden right now but I think I see a twinkle in her eye...



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