15 November 2009

Second Chance in Second Life 14/365

Crap. I thought for sure I was over all my emo sh*t. I refuse to go back there. Days can go by and I am happy and laughing and having fun, and then one little thing will happen and I'm all emo and sad and melancholy feeling. Maybe it's a combo of winter and regrets and bad choices, but I've kinda got the blues tonight.

So Second Chances....can you have second chances in Second Life? Does it require an alt? How do you go about starting over in SL? And why would you. No matter where you go, there you are. But sometimes a clean slate is a very tempting concept to think about. God knows I've made my mistakes in SL. We all have, I guess.

I dunno. I'm sure in the morning I'll feel better. And if not...I'll just go back to bed and pull the covers over my head. Maybe eat a tub of Ben and Jerry's Magic Brownies.  Did I ever tell you about the time I made RL Magic Brownies?  I was trying to cut them (they burned on the bottom) and the knife slipped and I jabbed it into my arm.  The knife, not the brownies. Emergency room and 10 stiches later, I finally got to eat one.

okkk then....



  1. I'm sure it will go away. Us emo people :D *hugs* I don't think alts in SL actually solve much. Because even though you're starting over, you'll probably want to tell your best friends who your alt is, and once you tell one person it's impossible to keep it from the rest. Anyhow, hope tomorrow's better!

  2. Joonie, hope the blues have gone by now. They will be back, though. Good or bad, the blues are a sure way of knowing you're alive. :P

    Loved Loved the brownie story!! And the pic! I was laughing out loud at my desk. You probably really needed those brownies when you got home from the ER!!

    Thanks for sharing it all Joonie from the hilarious to the heartbreaking. I love your blog!!


  3. awww...thanks you two.

    B, I know you can relate. Your my emo sister! =)

    P, are you saying we can't appreciate the good without the bad? LOL



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