10 November 2009

7/365 Artist Within?

Doubtful. But it's fun to pretend. Actually, I have my studio setup and waiting for me to unpack my paints and brushes in RL. For some reason, I'm just paralyzed! Fear of failure? Fear of success?  I dunno. Hopefully, I'll unpack soon. In the meantime, I'll just paint in SL!


  1. It is great you have an "alternate" studio. I know sometimes the muse is simply out to lunch and inspiration seems very far away. I'm guessing that putting on some music of choice and spending some time at your easel at Phil's might just be the ticket. Here's hoping you move forward to your best ever work!

  2. Think happy clouds. :-) Enjoy either one! No judgements on yourself though...enough people do that to us in the world already! Hugs- Papaya

  3. thanks Chic. Nice to see you here. =)

    Papaya - thanks for the reminder! =) hugs


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