10 December 2009

Cool and Warm 41/365

Sometimes, all we need is a place to call home. A place to come in from the beauty of the outside world this time of year. Walking in the snow refreshes me, and gives me the opportunity to just reflect on what I want it to be about....where I fit in the world. But after that brisk walk, I love the feeling of walking inside...feeling the warmth of the fire...and sipping hot chocolate.

Happy Winter =)
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  1. Happy Winter, Joonie! Love the pics, especially the last one. I can practically hear the snow crunching and I love the sky! It looks like that after snow kind of sky :)

    I love that it's a new season for more evocative beautiful Joonie pics.

    HowEVER...erm...all this talk about walking in the snow and fireplaces and hot chocolate is making it pretty difficult for me to want to sit and my desk and get work done!!

    Love you JJ!


  2. hahah...I know what you mean, Pinky. Let's grab our skates and gooooo...!! Then make snow angels!

    LOL hugs!


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