14 December 2009

Improving My Interior....42/365

So I've moved to a new sim (Harmony Vista) and I have a new home. I love them sooooooo much! But how to decorate?

Have you ever moved to a new house and realized that, although your inventory has 12 couches, 8 chairs, 11 tables, and 7 beds, you don't have a clue how to mix and match them? Or how to really arrange everything to look aesthetically pleasing?

Enter my decorator, Tsukasa Ishtari. Please. Erm...anyway, he did. And I am grateful.

Tsukasa has an amazing eye for detail and design. I was so impressed when I saw his house and what he had done with it, that I asked him to come look at mine. I had stuff sorta thrown all over the place. Tsukasa came and looked at what I had done, and without rolling his eyes too much, he moved things around and *viola* it was amazing. But that was just the downstairs. I gave him the LM to my house and asked him to just come by and do the upstairs when he had time.

Logged in today and SURPRISE...he had done the upstairs. He made it magical and fun. Now I've asked him to redo my NYC loft!!
(Just trying to keep him busy and off the streets.)

So below are some pics of him and what he's done to the house. It's difficult to tell how amazing he is decorating without BEFORE pics. But trust me, he is a god with pixel furniture.

The lucky part for US is that he's thinking about sharing his skill on a more regular basis. If you need any help at all or wondering where to put what, IM Tsukasa. He has a passion for it and it shows in his work. (and he's kinda cute...meh)

Above we're being all shy and nice....

And then the negotiating starts....

I think he's pretty proud of himself...I know I'M happy! Isn't that all that matters? ;-)

Joonie looking outward but thinking more about interior things.

Nite everyone. It was a wonderful night.


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