15 December 2009

Snow Day + Curio Elf... 44/365

I woke up this morning and looked outside...and this is what I saw. Some time during the night, it snowed!! I love it. Reminds me of living in Taos Canyon in the Winter. I expect a moose or an elk to walk up anytime. *squeeeez with excitement*

My SLife is good atm. Beautiful house, gorgeous winter, and a new AO from Vista. But the thing that has me really, really, really happy are the new Elf skins from Curio's Gala Phoenix. They are all gorgeous, flawless, yummi yum. This one is the group gift. If you aren't a member, get in there NOW.

I love Gala's skins. They are the first ones I wore when I first rezzed. They are a long way from what is being done now, but I still keep them in my inventory. I can't bring myself to delete them. (I think I'm crushing on Gala...she can touch my skin anyday! *blush*)

Have an awesome day, everyone! SL and RL! huggies
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