15 December 2009

If It's Too Good to be True... 45/365

it probably is.

We look so perfect in SL. As perfect as we want to look. We can have a name that either reflects who we are or is cute and silly or funny. SLife is ours for the taking.

Sometimes we find someone who makes our SL better than it was before meeting them. I have been fortunate in most of my SL to have met a few people I was willing to spend a large amount of my time with. And when they ended, as they inevitably will, I swore I'd never do it again.

I wore a nun's habit! And repelled anyone who even vaguely acted like they wanted more than friendship. Why did I do that? Because I was not ready for that. I'm still not ready. Even though I may have that opportunity.

Do you believe in intuition? What about instincts? SLove is a wonderful thing, as long as it can stay in SL and you know it isn't real. Real as in knowing the feelings are real, but they are based on virtual surroundings. Anyone can "fall in love" when you are dancing under a waterfall with a handsome man who is saying all the right things. But if you look closer, you might see someone who just wants to have his pixels and eat them too...so to speak.  ;-)

Or maybe you'll see a scared girl who just can't bring herself to trust anyone.

Or maybe it's all just a dream. Either way...if it's too good to be true, it probably is.

My not-so-late night ramblings. Thanks for listening.



  1. Hmm..

    When I'm at my most cynical I am quite convinced that SL-only relationships are doomed to die at some point; partly because you really can't fuel your emotions past a certain stage (in the end you want more than pixels on a screen), and partly because we are emotionally whole and integrated beings, and as the feelings grow stronger we can't help them taking too much attention away from our RL; risking to hurt it in the process.

    But mostly I am optimistic and think that if one is able to cool it down a bit when it gets too hot to handle, but still keep a connection, it may continue as a sweet enrichment of our lives.

    Wish you all the best!

  2. On the other hand, if you keep making yourself against your feelings, it probably won't make you feel happy either. In the end it's always us to decide if a risk is worth taking. Usually it's not. But if we don't take any risks, how do we know we're living?

    Sorry, I'm not helping at all, I know... I'll shut up and go hide somewhere :D

  3. Cristopher - I agree with you completely in the first sentence. Does that mean I'm cynical? I don't think so. For me, it means I'm a realist as much as I would like to think otherwise of myself.

    I have no doubt that real and lasting love can be found in SL. As you've pointed out, at some point those feeling of love have to go somewhere. Logically, to RL, or it doesn't last.

    The second paragraph was accurate as well. You said "... if one is able to cool it down a bit when it gets too hot to handle, but still keep a connection, it may continue as a sweet enrichment of our lives."

    I know myself well enough to know that I struggle with this part. Too hot to handle? I don't even know what that means! LOL

    hugs...ty...I love what you wrote.

    B - You are totally helping! Without you, I'd feel like the only one that feels this emo about all this stuff. Gahhh! Thanks for being there and understanding. hugs!


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