09 December 2009

Staying Busy 38/365

Letting go. What a difficult thing to do when we think we want something so badly. I find it gives me the necessary time to slow down long enough to see if it's really what I want or am I just caught up in the moment. There are times when being caught up in the moment is freeing and magical. When it comes to people's emotions and feelings, more caution is advised.

I'm quoting from my last blog post, because I seem to have been a lot more lucid then. I bit wiser. I just recently started dating again. The last thing I need right now is a relationship. Srsly. No really...SRSLY!! Gah...my head knows this...my heart has other ideas. Stupid heart. (Walls up!)

I spent the day shopping. That usually helps my fickle heart calm down AND I get some cool stuff. Win-Win, doncha think??

Joonie is wearing:

Dress - Ibizarre Harlow Dress in green (comes in three other colors)
Shoes - *G Field* Platform Shoes in Rosette ( Group Welcome gift when you join the subscriber)
Hair - Maitreya Malou
Skin - Curio June in Sundust
Lip Ring - Punctures Triple Lip Ring

oooooo...just got a notice from Truth!! You know what that means. ;-) byeeeee!

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  1. One would think head and heart should be much more coordinated since they're in the same body after all, right? No idea why they always seem to want the opposite... Good luck and try not to get burned too much. (I'm not even trying to say try not to get burned :)) Oh, and I just wanted to tell you that your blog's been helping me a lot lately! Hugs!

  2. Bailey....It seems we go through similar things sometimes. My heart and my head are rarely in alignment. So I stay in a state of confusion. Which one do I follow? People say follow your heart...but I don't think they know me. LOL

    Glad my blog could help. I love ya!

  3. Just remember that "freeing and magical" are only in one's mind. Hugs - Papaya

  4. What are you trying to say? ;-) hahaha! hugs


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