31 January 2010

Avatars United...wtf

Something insane is going on over at Avatar's United! I don't know who's responsible, but it's like bunneh sex. Avs all over the place. It's like plurk on crack.

I joined Avatars United quite a while ago and then promptly forgot about it. Now it's where I spend a lot of my online time.

Go check it out. It has everything all in one place. Blogging, groups, and best of all, friends. Although some people on my friends list I've never spoken to. *shrugs* Maybe now I will. =)

Maybe I'll see YOU there! ;) Click below to check it out.

Avatars United

and add me!



  1. Linden Lab bought them. That explains the sudden rush as old members like you and me (April 08 in my case) brush up their profiles and new users flock in galore.

    Read my two cents here.

    /me goes and adds you

  2. Thanks for sharing your two cents worth. You were much more articulate and employed greater critical thinking concerning AU than I did. I'm just in it for the fun. And to be another sheep. ;)

    I don't know that I would use it for blogging purposes either. We'll just have to wait and see.

    And thanks for clearing up why the sudden rush. And for the add.


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