03 January 2010

Paranoid 62/365

Sometimes, I just want a little peace and quiet to myself.

But I always get the feeling someone is watching me......

Taken at the Companion Props and Poses


  1. hey B! I added the slurl to the post. Don't know why I didn't do that to begin with. Goooo! That is the slurl to the poses used at The Companion below. Very cool!

    Paulina - =D

  2. LMAO Joonie! The one place you would think you could get some privacy!!! :P At first I though maybe shutting the door would help but the eye, THE EYEEEEEE...

    I continue to be amazed by the imagination of ppl in SL. I am decidedly uncreative in SL and I also "don't get out much" in there LOL so I am always glad when you share some of that with us.



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