25 January 2010

Passionate Emo 73/365

Is there such a thing? Sometimes, for me, dark emo is the only way to go. LOL But this time, I'm not really feeling emo at all. I am listening to Evanescence, tho. Anyway, more fun photos with Joonie. I AM going to make that 365 goal!

Thanks to my friend, Rik, for posing with me.



  1. Wow, look at that passion, and PG too! Who would have guessed that you could show off so much passion with your clothes on. :)

    Oh yea, Thanks for the bubble in-world!

  2. Well...goodness..../me fans self...

    Seriously Joonie these are great photos. I completely agree that they are PG yet very passionate, smoldering...and you did a great job with the finishing. They are so evocative!

    Awesome as always!
    Love you JJ!

  3. Dedric - I'm so glad you said that because that was what I was trying to convey. Passion, not porn. lol

    Rik - Thanks for being such a good sport. Hope I didn't scare you too badly. ;)

    Pinkster - Thanks. I love the word smoldering. hehe!


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