26 January 2010

Flower Girl 74/365

I am so sick of Winter, it's freezing here for the bejillioned day in a row. And not pretty, blue sky like in the Rockies but grey dreary sky like only the stupid Midwest can provide. (My apologies to all you midwesterners out there.) So virtual Joonie decided to do some gardening around her house. Viola! Spring!

And the best thing of all? No nails were broken in the making of this post. And yes, this is Joonie's gardening outfit. =)

Happy Almost Spring!

Style Stuff:

Hair - Truth Reese
Skin - Curio Elf (I rarely take this skin off)
Top - *Conners* tunic - batik green
Skirt - S b S Dirty Diana
Shoes - Maitreya Slinky Stilettos
Earrings - EarthStones Harmony Ball earrings
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  1. Joonie, lately I've been dying for spring too!! Your post was just what I needed. And, that gardening outfit...well...*cough* hawt *cough... :D Happy Horticulture!!

    xoxo, PDV


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