28 January 2010

SLife is But a Dream.... 75/365

Sometimes my SLife feels like a dream. Sometimes I can take it too seriously and it feels like a nightmare. Lately, it's been pretty dreamy. =)

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  1. That reminds me of the Jenny'd Dream/Nightmare sim - she always redoes it depending on how she feels so you neverquite know if you're going to end up in a dream or a nightmare when you're teleporting there... wonder what she has going on there now... I hope your SL will continue in the dreamy way! :)

  2. Nice picture. I have to ask - is the blur from post production, or are you using an advanced feature that I haven't caught onto yet?

  3. Nice indeed - is it a new feature in the viewer warning of a coming crash?

  4. B - I sometimes think SL is what you make it, you know? I don't know that sim. Is that the name of it?

    Dedric -it is from post production. I make the best of Picasa. That's what I use. Someday, on to bigger and better programs.

    Cris - LOL..one never knows with LL, but I don't think this is their fault. ;-)

    Thanks you guys!

  5. JJ, love the dreamy photo. It makes me want to take the day off and look out the window at snow falling!

    Glad your SL is dreamy lately, too!

    Love you long time!


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