10 February 2010

Balance 82/365

I love this house by Maxwell Graf. It's called the Crooked House. You can climb all the way to the top.

It feels a bit unstable, a little shakey. The foundation doesn't seem to want to hold the structure. And if the foundation isn't secure, we all know what happens then. The whole thing has a good probability of falling down.
I'm feeling a bit like I've been living in this house. My SL has definitely had times of great upheaval and enormous highs and lows. But I learned that nothing in SL is worth upsetting the balance of my life, SL or RL. Still, my foundation can be a bit uneven at times. I feel afraid, insecure, hurt, betrayed...all those things we've all felt. Today, I try to have fun in SL and have positive things to say to my friends. I'm not always successful. I want more balance in my SLife and to do that, I have to listen to my instincts when they tell me to go slow, make sure I'm ready for whatever comes my way.

I've seen people lately who have let other people run them out of SL. I know the feeling, but why do we let people define who we are? I've seen it happen too many times. And I've seen some really ugly things said and done. I'm not above it all...I just don't understand why it happens and who cares, you know?

LOL...I'll stop before I get even further off the topic...which is or was about balance. Something happened today in SL that got me thinking about things. It made my foundation crack a little. But before I could let it get to me, I realized that some people just don't think. It isn't about me, it's about them. I don't have to internalize every little thing and take it personally.

Balance in all things. Build a strong foundation under yourself, and no one can take that away. Because you will know who you are and what you're about. And don't allow anyone to come along and make you forget that.

Crooked House found here: The Crooked House



  1. I love you, Joonie . . . even though you keep defriending me. (LOL)

    And I love this blog. I always read it.

    If I'm the one up there who ran somebody out of SL, I'm just confused by why suddenly *I'M* the one who's getting this rep for running "somebody" out of SL . . . when all I did was write a blog post expressing my anger over the fact that "that somebody" ran one of MY friends out of SL.

    Wow, that was a hard paragraph to write in a really vague manner.

    We all probably just need to stop chasing each other around period. Unless we're chasing men, I guess. And they like it.

    I want that house.

  2. LOL..hey Emerald. Who did you chase out of SL? See? That's just the point. Why is anyone running anyone else out of SL? It makes no sense to me. First, how can you let that happen in the first place and second, I dunno it's just so bizarre.

    I had no one in mind specifically...it's just been happening more lately and I hate it!

    but nice to see you here! LOL

    *I thought you defriende me!*


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