08 February 2010

Chillin' 81/365

My friend, Rio, has a Rez day coming up soon. He'll be one year old! Amazing. I rememeber when I first met Rio. He was cute as a noob, but today he looked hot! LOL I'm so proud...*sniff sniff*

We compared notes a bit. During his first year, as in most of ours, he has experienced pain and love and all the stuff in between. But like he said, he's made it through to the other side and has come out stronger than before. Here's to Rio! Go kick some serious butt, you amazing avatar!




  1. Nice post! And congrats to Rio for making it to the other side... and already in a year, thats quick =) Some of us need more than 3 years to find what they were looking looking for... but once you get there it was worth all the effort! A happy sl to you all.

  2. Hi JJ and Happy Rez Day to Rio! Very sweet post. I remember back when he was your "new friend Rio." My, how he's changed! LOL. Joonie looks hawt in this pic as well!! :D



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