22 February 2010

Bare Rose - Forest Druidess 94/365

"Druid/Druidess - The Druids were said to be the keepers of traditional wisdom that was concerned with moral philosophy, natural phenomena and theology. They were skilled in the reading of omens, the interpretation of dreams, the conducting of sacrifices, the construction of a calendar, herbal medicine, astronomy and the composition of poetry. Some say they also practiced sexual magic.
One way the Druids read omens was by killing a victim. "The inhabitants employ a very surprising and incredible custom when they want to know matters of great importance. They consecrate a human being to death, drive a dagger into his belly, above the abdomen, and draw conclusions about events to come from the squirming of the victim and the squirting of his blood. They have been practicing this since time immemorial."
In other words, don't mess with us Druids.

I so love this outfit. It's all fae fun and fairies but also just stunning. It comes with wings, cape, horns, gloves, and absolutely gorgeous details and textures.

With cape and horns
Closeup of horns
Gratuitous shots of ...ME! Taken by my friend, Rio. thanx =)

And, Joonie feels so awesome and strong in this. Like a fae princess only stronger. Probably because she's not a fairy, she's a Druid!
AND...this outfit with all it's many pieces is for less than 200L .... I know......I fainted, too. Oh...AND it also comes in Black! And you get BOTH black and green together for under 200L!
I suggest you get your Druid butt over to Bare Rose NOW! If you see June Dion, fall down at her feet and worship her.
SLURL to Bare Rose
Photos taken at AM Radio's site
SLURL to AM Radio's place


  1. Ooh, I love this, soo pretty and fae as a bonus! I'm especially digging the wings!

  2. The wings are so cool... The move around on the edges in a cool, soft way. Come play! haha

  3. YaY! :) I caught up on yours, too. Nice emo post you refered to in your most recent post.


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