21 February 2010

Looking for Home 93/365

Time for a new home for Joonie. Not a home to live in, I love where I am now, but one where I can go and just be and feel at home. Like Templum and the Nameless Isle were for me.
I went exploring today and my quest is to find that place, my place, on the grid that always feels like it envelopes me and gives me that sense of belonging, of laying my burdens down there, and finding clarity. My mission is to find that place. Today I found some very interesting and amazing places. I'd like to share one with you. It isn't my "home" but it's still amazing. Over the next however long it takes, I will be sharing with you places that almost made it but not quite. I hope you enjoy these places. If you think of a place I might enjoy, I would love to know about it.
Today, I was visiting the opening of Imagine Create No Texture Challenge. My friend, Misprint Thursday has a piece there so I decided to check it out. As usual, I was about an hour late and all of the festivities were over. But the work there was amazing.
While there, I fell in love with these amazing trees by soror Nishi. A quick click on soror's profile revealed the good news ..yay...she has a store! The store is named...I'm not sure really. In her profile it's called...My New Shop. It is amazing. Below are pics of the Art opening and of Soror Nishi's shop and the beach area.  All really beautiful with bright, gorgeous colors. Just not what I'm looking for in a place to get away from it all, but amazing! Hope you enjoy.

I think I used the word "amazing" 3 or 4 times. Make that 5 or 6. Just insert your own "wow" word, k?

Joonie is wearing:

Jeans:  fri. LowRise Jeans (Black)
Shirt: Sn@tch Gore Girl Top
Boots: [DOCS] 8 Hole F Purple (I love these boots! They are available in 10 colors and 3 diff styles tall, short, and open) You can find them at the new Gos Mainstore. TP to footwear.
Hair:  fri. Carrie (Happy Blonde)
Skin: Curio Elf Sundust
Tattoo:  Becca Beebe - Not All Who Wander are Lost (custom made) You can find more tats at her main store, [BUTT-ERR] along with piercings and clothing. Becca is a ... well...amazing!


  1. Thanks for your kind words. The beach is also a place you can use as a sand box for changing or other small stuff, there aren't many unused prims...

    My latest tree is also showing at Virtual Treeline Gallery and next month I will have a full retrospective there.

    Feel free to use the island as your own...:))

  2. OMG, you found the boots I've been looking for! Happy adventures Joonie! Calli

  3. Joonie, those pics are great and the sim looks...well....awesome! LOL. I just don't know another word that does the job as well.

    And those boots!! LOVE them.

    I'm excited about your new search for "home." I forsee your sharing many cool places with us. Awesome, too :D Good luck on your quest!

    Love you JJ!

  4. soror - I will definitely be back. =)

    Calli - We need to go shop together!

    Thanks Pinky!


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