20 February 2010

Best Birthday Evah! 92/365

What a fun day! First, my birthday cupcake attire. I think I look awesome! Not a day over a week! I guess that's stale for a cupcake.  eeeek  Then my new neighbor came over while I was dressed in my birthday cupcake costume. I hope she'll come back.

My bff Pinky came over with a chocolate cake! mmmm...my fave. You can even blow the candles out AND it plays Happy Birthday...over and over and over...

We talked about my past year in SL.  It's been a very interesting year and mostly a lot of fun. A few goofy, unfortunate moments, but for the most part, a really awesome year.

We decided to do something fun, so, since I was at the Grand Opening of GOS, we decided to do the Duck races! It was soooo fun.  Uh oh..I think I forgot to wipe my mouth after the chocolate cake! Eekkk.....can't take me anywhere!

So many people to thank for making this the best RL birthday in SL for me. I would start the list but it's too long!  I'm lucky like that. A special thanks to Max, Lin, Tessa, Pinky, and all of you who sent HB messages in SL and at Avatars United. I love you guys!  *mwah*

Off to dinner...shrimp! mmmmmm...yummy! and lots of chocolate. I can workout tomorrow!




  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOONIE!!!! Hope your day was wonderful, and that your next year is the best ever!

    Love you long time!!!


  2. Happy BIrthday Joonie!!! Looks like a fun day :)

  3. Happy Bday my friend in all worlds. :-)

  4. I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday and wish you many, many more!!!



  5. Not only will I be back, I'm bringing milk next time ;-)

  6. Calli - sounds like an excellent idea. yum!


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