19 February 2010

Happy Birthday Eve to ME! 91/365

Around my house, we celebrate your birthday starting on the eve of your birthday. You get to do whatever you want starting then and ending at midnight. So I decided to spend time in SL with the people and places I love. Like this guy below.
 Love ya, Max!

This is birthday eve look. LOL I don't think I've changed in a few days. But I LOVE this tee and I'm not taking it off! And since it's my birthday eve, I can do whatever I want. :P  The tee is from [Butt-er] and rocks my world.

Face plant into a giant cupcake! Hoo! I am addicted to chocolate. I have a RL Boston Creme Pie waiting for me and my hips in the kitchen.  YUM!

Hair: New Truth hair
Everything else has been blogged before.
And it's my birthday and I don't wanna  :p

hugs! JJ


  1. The cupcake looks pretty indulgent! Happy birthday, hope your bday eve was all you wanted it to be!

  2. Happy Birthday Joonie!! Enjoy your cupcakes :))

  3. Happy Birthday Joonie!


  4. Thanks! It was a fun day. Calliope, I hope we can meet again when I'm not a cupcake. =)

    BB - I always think you're talking in code when you sign your name like that. hehe Thank for the bd wishes.

    Bitter - Thanks for being with me on this crazy journey for so long. Whether there or here, it's nice to know you're close by. *hugs* Maybe this will be our year. We will kick some butt! And not our own. lol


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