18 February 2010

A Sense of Place 90/365

My "home" in SL has officially been put up for sale and isn't easily accessable anymore. Almost a year ago, an IM went out from the owners saying they were selling the sims and would leave them up for a period of time. They were, indeed, sold. The new land owner kept things pretty much as they had been. Difficult economic times have forced him to sale the sims with no guarantee that they will remain as they were from the beginning.

This kind of thing happens in SL all the time. And I've known for a while that this day would come. I would go there every few weeks just to see if it was still standing. It always was, until yesterday. When I tried to tp in, I arrived in a small box of space with red ban lines surrounding it. I don't mean to sound uncool, but it was quite a shock. I was able to fly straight up and cam around. Had to take more pics; I didn't know for sure how much more time it would continue to be the place I went to when I was down or needed some time to think.

I have amazing memories there. By myself and with friends and potential loves. Whenever a relationship had grown into something potentially meaningful, I would drag him to this sim. If they couldn't get it, I knew they weren't going to get me.

I have no words to describe how much this place has meant to me. I feel a little lost now. And it is really depressing for me and many others. Where will I go when I just need to think or feel and get the sense that things were going to be okay or at least that there was some hope. The place was dark and nurturing all at the same time. I'll never be able to fully explain it. I can only say that a piece of me will go with this sim. I will forever be grateful to Baron and Sue for sharing their massive creativity with me and the rest of SL. I just don't know what to do now. There are amazing places in SL, but only one like this one...like my home.

Long gone but not forgotten.



  1. Oh NOES that is terrible- I only discovered the place a few weeks ago..now it seems the 3 or 4 pictures I took will be my only memory ...so SAD to hear..hugs mdear -x- elfie

  2. Joonie, such a sad and beautiful post. I'm so sorry that a place that means so much to you might be going away.

    I wish I was independently wealthy, I would buy the sims and keep them as they are in perpetuity, like some kind of SL Conservancy!

    Thanks for the beautiful photos you've given us of this place over the years, JJ. Love and big hugs to you.



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