12 February 2010

Hearts at Home 84/365

Most of us want to find some land and put a home on it, decorate it and call it good. I do, too, and have since I rezzed in SL a few years ago. I've lived in many wonderful places, but I never felt a sense of community like I do now. Being a little loner-ish, community wasn't my number one priority. Privacy was. That hasn't changed much. But, I live on the best, most awesome sim on the grid.
One word: Liz Gealach (okay two)
I love her. I know she is partnered, but I check that slot daily cos she soooo rocks. Need proof? Look below.

So I'm not that big on V-day. But this is what I saw when I logged in at my home. HEARTS EVERYWHERE! During the night the Heart Fairy made a visit to my house...and everyone else's house on the sim! 

I have to admit it did cheer me up and put my in the Valentine's mood.  Eekk, I'm losing my edge!
Running through the hearts. Surely mine is here somewhere! 
Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone. And don't worry all you naysayers, I'll def do an anti-Valentines Day post, too!  You know I will!  ;)



  1. Happy Valentines Day to you as well! :) Your home looks lovely. It's amazing as avatars how we attach ourselves to our digital home. Mine is my place of solitude when I can sit and relax and not worry about much of anything on the rest of the grid.

  2. I've been a fan of your blog for a long time now. I still enjoy visiting your blog even though I no longer log into Sl. I never commented until now, but I wanted to let you know I not only enjoy your posts, I find myself leaving your blog open so i can listen to your songs at the bottom of the page. We have similar taste in music and I just wanted to say thank you! Oh and I also like to wish you a Happy Valentines Day!

  3. Fricker - If I could, I would purchase an entire sim and it would be my refuge. Thank you for your comment. Miss listening to you. =)

    DD - It's funny how sometimes things are said right at the point of needing to hear them. thank you. I'm glad you enjoy my blog and my music. Make yourself known when/if you feel like it. I appreciate so much that you took the time to comment. =)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Joonie, I think it's awewome that your whole sim has hearts on it!!! I love decorating for holidays so I think everyoine should!! :) But, when it's over, it's over and then I want them gone. Wish you could just click in RL and poof! The decorations are gone (and put away in an organized fashion!! LOL)

    Your landlord sounds awesome...but umm....that partner slot thing, well, you know....


  6. What a lovely post! Liz is amazing...I have known her for years and watched her pour so much love and creativity into everything she does. I am thrilled to live in Thistle and many of the most amazing moments in my life happen there, with the people that make it home. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    ~tara (Cantara Boxer)

  7. Joonie! What a great blog. And its so nice of you to shine a light on Liz, and Thistleton. I feel so lucky to live here. There's so much creativity in the parcel houses and decoration, and Liz gives us such lovely surprises!
    I've bookmarked your blog, & look forward to reading more. ^,^

  8. Nice blog post Joonie! I am new to SL and landed in Thistle on day 1. I haven't been able to buy land there yet but I really feel like it's a home. An amazing community of very talented people with some lovely quirkiness you have to spend time there to understand and enjoy.

    And yes Liz, she is amazing! Wander around Thistle or crash one of the monthly community parties and you will see what I mean.

    I hope to meet you soon Joonie.

    Calli (Calliope Novaland)

  9. TY Joonie for such a wonderful post!! Creating an interesting space for everyone to have fun and explore is so much fun ... and I love to see how everyone in our little community adds to the sim with their own unique decorations! I hope I can continue to surprise you ;-)
    Liz Gealach

  10. Thanks you all so much! I love it there and agree, each one of us brings so much to the place. It is like a small town in that respect.

    Thanks for the kind comments. I look forward to meeting all of you. =)


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