12 February 2010

Music of the Heart

Someone wrote a really nice comment on my blog and said they enjoyed my playist. Last night, I also talked to someone about music and how it effects me. I can appreciate good music and enjoy it. My fave is like rocking guitar riffs and lead guitar solos. But when it comes to music that really touches me, there has to be an emotional connection. That connection is usually based on a relationship, either breaking up or first meeting. Either way, I thought it was appropriate at VD day (giggles) that I change my playlist up a bit and bring on my own personal tear-jerkers!  LOL  Hope you enjoy!



  1. Hi Joonie, Love the V day soundtrack :-) I guess I should introduce myself. I dont keep a blog and I dont have a SL account anymore so my rl name is Diane, or some friends like to call me DD.

  2. I love the music on your blog, Joonie, and I love that you change it often. Lovng the tear jerkers...hey, Valentines Day is about hearts, right, broken and otherwise!! :D

    Love you JJ!

  3. =) Thanks! It's time for a change I think.


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