14 February 2010

Happy Rez Day Bliss! 85/365

Tonight was a Rez Day party for my friend, Bliss. It was soooo much fun. I hadn't laughed that much in a while. Beverly Zauberflote threw the party and it was sooo much fun! (did I say that already?) The invitation requested we arrive in our Newb costume. I thought "there is no way anyone is getting me back into my newb hair/skin/clothes."

Here's Bliss in her newb outfit! Hot!

Borday and Bliss. Adorable in their newb skin and hair and...um....what is that thing?

We were all laughing so hard and having so much fun. I didn't think about pics until towards the end. Here's Joonie in her newb look. LOL Gurl6 hair, Gala skins, and Frangipani outfit. LOVE IT! I thought I was so cute then. hahaha!

Bliss with her whip! The line forms to the right! LOL

Bliss, hope you had an awesome time! Love ya! *smooches* And here's to 3 more years. (think we'll still be around?)

And a shoutout to my friend, Rio, who had his 1 yr. Rez Day today!
Love ya, Rio! *smooch*

What a day in SL. Wish they all were like this!
Nini all


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ROFL!!! I love it!

    OMG..I never realized that it was so much easier as a noob to change clothes. :)

    TY for coming - it was so much FUN! :) Best way to celebrate my rezz day ever. Best company too!

  3. Awesome fun and great pics, Joonie!! I deleted a bunch of my Noob stuf because it was just too embarassing to have. Your post makes me wish I had kept some of it.

    Happy Rez day to your friends, and I'm glad you had fun!!



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