27 March 2010

SLove is Blind

I've been around SL long enough to have learned a few things. If you're like me, you have to learn from your own mistakes, so nothing I say here will probably make any difference to anyone. LOL  But I'm going to put it out there just the same. I didn't listen either.

When it comes to SLove, it can hit pretty hard. And when it does....look out... you're in for a bumpy ride ahead. SLove isn't bad necessarily. It can be a lot of fun, romantic, emotional, and you always have a date. Those are important things in any social situation. And then there's the friendship that hopefully follows or maybe came first. Who doesn't love the feeling of being in love? We won't mention the pixel sex...oops..I just did.

But, and there's always a but, just as intensely as you fall IN SLove, you will fall OUT of SLove. And it's amazing how painful that can be. Just crazy intense. So, in looking back, I have realized some "missteps" I'll call them, that, had I known better, might not have happened.

So let's begin our observation by looking at the unsuspecting couple below. They look innocent enough. Just a sweet little dance between friends, right? WRONG. This is the beginning of all that is dangerous.

You see, they don't know it, but that beautiful scenery, the music in the background (first rule: do not listen to the mushy music playing in the background. Before you know it, you'll be talking about how this is YOUR song) is only there to manipulate you into feelings for that other person. And it all starts here:


Before you can say "what's happening?" THIS happens. A little closer, a little sexier, a few more emotions manipulated, and the closer the camera moves in to capture this moment....THE moment that will define you two for all eternity...or 6 months, whichever comes first.

Finally, we come to the place below. By this time, it's really too late. You have been sucked in too far now. At this point, you're just going to have to ride it out. Might as well not fight it...it's got you by the vajaja and you're on your last breath of sane air for a while.
But I didn't come here to leave you at this place. Oh no...Sistah Joonie is here to help. There are some things you can do to prevent these feelings from developing in the first place. It's difficult and only the very strong can stay the course. But it can be done.  Ready?

First, never zoom in on the two of you. Below is a safe distance. You can kind of see yourself with that hot avi, but you can't really see his hands all over you or that that dance animation is full of hidden touching..here, there, here again....

Why even look at that? It's not really real, you know. Just manipulation. Try to remember that. Make it your mantra. not real...not real...not real....  Yes, the feelings are real. So what we're trying to do is keep those nasty little feelings in check. Not looking closely is the first step in admitting your powerlessness.
DO NoT zOoM iN!


Better yet, don't just pull your camera focus away, but put the two of you off to the side out of your main focus and off to the periphery. Now focus on what you do see.  *snaps finger* I see you peeking over there to the right..get your eyes on the house.  There..that's better.


There are a few more tactics that help. One is finding other people to stare at on the sim. If you are using Emerald, the radar screen is a PERFECT tool to help stay focused on other people, read their profiles, make up stories in your head about them, etc. Even take pics of them. Unless they're a couple, then immediately pan out. I know, but romance has a creepy way of seeping into your psyche when you aren't looking. Must.Stop.Romance.


Here's another pretty picture. See how this works? It's kept me engaged in other activities long enough to not pay attention to .... whatever that other thing is. Um..anyway. If you run out of photo ops, work on your inventory! That always needs some attention. Or IM friends in yahoo, work on your facebook page, just do anything other than the top 3 pics, no matter how innocent it all looks. Just don't look! Gouge your eyes out if you have to. Just don't look!

It would be better just to stay home and read a book. Boring but safe. Yes, remember there is danger out there. Mutant pixels just waiting to infiltrate your heart. Once they have your heart, they attack your brain. Trust me. It will render you totally stupid. You will turn into a moron. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Now run along and practice. This stuff doesn't come naturally. We must fight til the death.....of our hearts.

See ya next time! Happy hardwaring!



  1. Hahahah! Love your post! :-) Papaya

  2. LOL I thought you might ;) *hugs*

  3. Gorgeous photos Joonie! You do amazing work. Hugzzz, Yordie

  4. Yordie! I just saw your comment here. Since I changed the way my blog posts comments, I don't have to "approve" the comments anymore. So I miss a few.

    TYSM for your sweet comment, Yordie. We've been admirers of each others blogs for a while now! =)


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