28 April 2010

Zilch...I got nuthin'

Some of you may have wondered why I posted this pic of an 'elf playing the piano' as one friend put it. This is no elf. This is Skye Galaxy. So, why? Good question. I love his music but I don't know him. This was taken at the Pop Music thingy I blogged about a few posts back or something

So the reason this pic is here, is because, I had nothing to post last night. This was the only photo in my file that hadn't been posted yet. So...I posted it. Just through it up here with no Title and no text. Nada. Zilch. Sorry to use you in that way, Skye.

Now, here it is another night and I still don't have anything? why? Well, because when I logged into SL to take pics of my next "subject" someone IM'd me and asked if I wanted to go bike riding. He meant bike as in motorcycle!  I had to say yes to that.  It was fun, just like I knew it would be. He ran over a few ppl and kinda messed with this one guy. He was 12 I think. Anyway, all in all a very successful evening.

When he had to go, I thought great, now I'll take pics of my "subject" but...I couldn't tp anywhere. Thought I'd log off and try again. The worst idea ever. Once I logged out, I couldn't log back in no matter how many times I tried. I even restarted my laptop.

Oh well...such is SLife.

Sorry for no new post....just new words.
Until next time!



  1. hehe...thanks Rik! I'm good at making something out of nothing. LOL ;)


  2. Good stuff JJ. I wondered if that was Skye. He is amazing... Thanks for going out with me on my little old Harley Davidson. I promise to watch out for pedestrians next time ;)

  3. It was fun, Cov! :) The pedestrian killing was the best part! lol


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