29 April 2010

Party at Rouge!

My friend, Eva, tp'd me to Rouge for a party. I love Rouge and I love Codie and Gabby. I love Nexeus and used to go to Rouge on a regular basis. But you know how SLife can be. We stop going to places we used to or something happens or something. Anyway, it was awesome to be there and see people I hadn't seen in a while. As I panned around the room, I realized there were several Lindens there. And it was Teagan Linden's Rez day! I remember Teagan when she wasn't a Linden and have always thought she was very talented and cool. So it was nice to be able to wish her a happy Rez Day. Blue Linden was there and I remember him from Plurk (yes I left there and now wish I hadn't.) LOL

All in all a fun night. Love Rouge and being there tonight reminded how fun it is! I think that might be a nice place to go on Thursday nights! =)

I have met some amazing people in SL. A few not so much but the ratio of cool people to asshats is pretty one-sided in favor of the cool kids. YAY! AND Emerald is on the compliant list. SLife is good. lol



  1. Hey you, it's Tsukasa. Thought I'd just say hi.

    Hope all is well. Take care.


  2. It was so good to see you last night, Joonie! I hope you'll be able to come around more often. <3

  3. hey Tsu =) Just passing through?


    Gabby! It was so much fun and so awesome to see you and Codie and Nex and so many ppl! Loved it. And happy birthday. hugs


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