23 April 2010

Calling on the Magic

I found this place unexpectedly while shopping. I couldn't find what I wanted in the shop, but I found this magical place. Just what I needed at that moment. Sometimes our actions cause ourselves and others pain. Nothing hurts more than knowing that. So today, I surrounded myself with beauty and magic. They seem to restore me and give me faith in myself again.

Thanks for reading. Be careful out there.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I agree with Covenant. :)

    Plus, you look FAB - so... :) it's worth it.

  3. Thanks Bliss! =) Covenant must have changes his mind. LOL But agree....magic doesn't happen often. And I DO look fab, don't I?

    *hugs you tight*

  4. Some immature asshandle must have deleted it by accident. What Covenant said was,
    One moment of magic is WORTH a lifetime of regret...


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