06 May 2010


Tonight was the grand re-opeing of the Kasbah. It was a fun night doing my fave thing...listening to live music in SL.  First was PM Bookmite. He was awesome on piano. Then Max Kleene, my boss, who always sounds phenonmenal if I do say so. ;)  And after Max was Edward Kyomoon. I had to log after the first song because it was getting late. But I'll def make more time to hear him again.

Being the Kasbah, what better to wear than Zaara.
More specifics later...now i must sleeeep!


  1. Yep, always just passing-through. I'm glad you remember that XD

    Remember why we stopped talking last time? It happened again. I'm somewhere else now.

    Email me, if you'd like. We'll talk more. My user name at gmail.com

    Torisugari no Kamen Rider da... oboeteoke!

  2. Glad you had a good time! I neevr actually went to a SL gig, at least not that I remember. Btw the lighting in the pcitures is magical!

  3. Wow. You look exquisite in that gown. Jaw-dropping. Regal. You pwn me... LOL


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