14 May 2010

Lonely or Alone

there is a difference.
tonight i was alone
it was nice
very nice
there were people i could have been with
and people i would have liked to have been with
but it was nice being alone
just to think and play and create

hair: truth
skin: curio
top: aDiva
jeans: callie cline

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  1. When I enter an empty room alone, the door closes behind me with a sweet chime of relief. Every neuron relaxes, and my mind and body feel free, finally, of all constraints and pretensions, of all pressures to please and impress and entertain other people. I may sit down to read and write; I may play music on the stereo or on the guitar; I may wander in circles from corner to corner, watering plants, sorting through paperwork, looking at the colors of the walls. But somehow the whole world seems less urgent, more manageable. Though in social situations I am often the life of the party, it is only when I am alone that I feel fully myself. In the presence of others, I never quite see or taste or understand things all the way. Others may get anxious with the closing of the door, but I get a sense of peace. I feel most comfortable, though not necessarily happiest, being by myself.

    -Anneli Rufus

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just beautiful Boss. Missing you in the land of the gators...

  4. Brandon - tysm for sharing that. I am buying the book =)

    Rik - it was nice seeing you to say goodbye.

    Cov - gators? eeek!


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