13 May 2010

New Truth Releases - May 13

It's very rare that I love all the of the hair in the same release, Truth be told. But today is the exception to the rule. Let's get started.

First is Marcelle in Champagne. What to say other than stunningly beautiful. As always, Truth's textures and layering are the best in Second Life. It just doesn't get better than this. I didn't take more views of  this hair because the back is more of the same yumminess as the front. It follows the same pattern as the front; whispy and layered and the same length.


Next is Paula in Mahogany. I'd thought I'd mix up some different colors today for all the non-blondes. Again, regardless of color, you get the same rich texturing and color. This style is so cute. The whispy, loose pieces at the sides that Truth hair is known for and is very complimentary to any face shape. I love the back and side views. Just the right amount of messy.


Last is my fave of the releases and is something a bit different for Truth. This is Shinji in Carrot. It is adorable. I don't know who Truth's muse is at the moment, but he needs to keep this one around. You will have to pry this hair from my cold, dead pixel head.

That's it for today. Hope you enjoyed.  Limo to Truth hair is below.

Thanks for reading!

Hair: Truth
Skin: Curio Elf 2

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Marcelle and Shinji. You look good in red... Now PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!! LMAO


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