06 May 2010

This One's Gonna Hurt

Today has been one of those days..you know? When everything that can go wrong does, indeed, go wrong. And why is it when I'm working in SL, that is precisely the time people decide to have a meltdown.

But there a few happy moments and some bittersweet ones.

Bittersweet one first. This is Blackheart. I know, I know....just the name alone should make me run! LOL But he's actually one of the nicest guys I've met in SL. Today, after getting a cryptic im from him last week telling me he has some RL issues going on, he ims me again today. This time to tell me he's moving to another town for work and won't be back in SL until he gets situated. I'm happy for him as it's a promotion for him, but I will miss him. More than I think I realized. Definitely more than I want! LOL

We spent the time we had today taking pics. He bought me a cool photo studio before he left. What a sweetheart. Blackheart? I don't think so. So this is a post to Blackheart and our friendship. Hope to see you soon. All the best to you. And thanks for the pics.

Black or white? Good vs Evil? No...just an awesome guy who will be missed.

Speaking of good and evil...has anyone been watching the final season of Lost? OMG..so Locke was bad all along? And Sun and Jin...waaaah. And goodbye hottie Sayid. What is going on? Is it good vs evil? Or is Locke just dreaming? Joonie <~~~ confused. Any ideas you'd to share?

Oh..and the happy moment? I don't have a pic of that actually. Just got to hang out with an old friend who means more to me than he realizes. Noooo...not like that. Just with a lot of affection. Thanks U. ;-)

Nini - thanks for reading =)



  1. Great pics, Joonie. I hate bittersweet. But, it is bitter becuase we got to have the sweet, so I try to dwell on that part. Besides, how can a guy with those cool avis stay away from SL for long? Joonie looks great too :D

    LOST? Yes, I am watching. No, I don't get it. My head spins. I think when it is over I will watch the whole series again and hopefully see the connections I am not making now :O I was so bummed to see Sayid go, but at least he went heroically. So sad to see Jin and Sun die, but at least they went together. I'm betting on good versus evil, but who knows? And how do you wrap up good and evil in a 2 hour finale?

    Joonie, I am loving your blog music, it plays and plays at my desk!

    Happy Friday!

  2. LOL Cov..you're funny.

    PDV - great way to look at ait. As long as the sweet outweighs the bitter, ya know? And luckily for me, it did. =)

    Lost...jeebus. *head spins*

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    OMG, don't get me started on the last episode of "Lost." What the hell????? Shocking.


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