14 June 2010

BBBC 2010 - Topic 1 (Blogging)

The first question on the Big Bad Blogger Challenge 2010 is
 Why did you become a blogger? How has it enriched your life?

This is the kind of question that, when I first look at it I'm like, pfft..starting out easy. And then when I sit down to write the answer out, I'm all confused. LOL So many answers.

I started blogging in 2006, the same year I rezzed into Second Life. As a noob, I needed answers! LOL So I googled Second Life and Relationships, and that took me to several blogs. One which stood out. Her name was Sorcha and her blog was like a life jacket for me swimmng the treacherous waters of SL. I related to her feelings. I had never met her, but I felt like I knew her from the words she put down on her blog pages. I wasn't ready to jump into the world of blogging. I didn't think I had much to say. And then I read another blog that was listed on her blog roll. Bailey's blog was so insightful. Lots of emotion. Her blog took me to Kai's blog and on and on. But it was definitely Sorcha and Bailey's blogs that helped me on my way to blogdom. Thanks you two!

I blog because I needed an outlet for these emotions. Just reading Sorcha and Bailey's blogs helped me feel not so alone. But after a while, it wasn't enough to read their words, I needed to express my own. So I created a blog and began sharing all my thoughts and feelings about my experiences in SL.

That early blog has been relegated to the big blog heaven in the sky. But the love of blogging has not waned one bit. Blogging gives me a way to share, discover, and create. It gives me insight into my own crazy thoughts and feelings. I also hope, on some level, maybe it reaches other people who might be going through a similar situation or experiencing some of the same thoughts and feelings I had.

Also enriching is the feeling of being a part of a bigger community. My fellow bloggers are some of the most creative, fun, and intelligent people on the grid. I may not socialize with them as much as I could, but I consider myself lucky to be in the same circle...even if I hang mostly along the edges.

Thanks Ali, for organizing us! I can't wait to see what everyone blogs!



  1. I love your blog Joonie! Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten rid of my blog.
    Hugs xoxo

  2. That's actually kind of surprising because I never felt like my blog could have been inspiring to anyone, it was such a crazy mumbo jumbo lol. I started blogging just two or three weeks after rezzing because I was owerwhelmed by it all - which is sort of understandable because Bailey was already working (huh?) as a dancer and sharing a house with a boyfriend (huh??? lol) at the tender avi age of few weeks. I was looking for answers online and I found blogs, informative blogs about SL (telling you how to create things and which locations to visit), but I didn't get my answers... so I tried to find them through writing instead. And then I finally found Sorcha... and then you. I was extremely happy when I met you, you seemed like a reincarnation of Sorcha after she left lol

    Sometimes I wish I hadn't deleted Bailey's blog, because I remember it all felt so intense and now it seems like such a blur that might not have even happened. I've repressed a lot of feelings from that time in my current self, because... I don't know. They've hurt so much that it was just easier to leave them behind and remind myself that it wasn't "real"?

    I'll always be grateful for my time in SL though, because I met some amazing people there (that refers to you, you know :D) and I would have probably never started blogging without SL. And now I'm all nostalgic, haha.

  3. awwww....having you both here at the same time make me melancholy and missing the old times. *huggs*

    I wish you two hadn't deleted you blogs, too! But I totally undertand it. I did the same thing. I think about that old blog and all the emo stuff. But it was what I was going through at the time.

    I love you both. Wish we could get together and hang out and reminisce.

    LOVED hearing from you. =) And yes, you both inspired me a lot. =)

  4. JJ, I'm not a very regular SL'er, nor am I a fellow blogger (wow, am I boring!!) but I am SOOOOOOO glad you did start blogging. There are so many great things you do with your blog...tell us how to look great, feel better, let us know we are not alone, tell great stories, share the big and small questions with us and help us try to answer them, take and share gorgeous photos (which you are getting better and better at all the time, IMO), and just generally give us a touchstone out here in cyberspace that we can count on. I, for one, love your blog. I'm glad you started, and I hope you never stop!:D


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