15 June 2010

BBBC 2010 - Topic 2 (3 positive things)

Topic: Write about three positive things going on in your Second Life

1. Music
2. RFL
3. Friends

Well that's my list but when I go to write about them, I don't know. It doesn't ring true. So I'll just start writing and see what comes.

I would have to say that of the three, friendship is the one that has been playing the biggest role lately. To find out who your friends really are, nothing works better than needing them. People either step up or run away. Most of mine have stepped up. I have the most amazing friends. Writing this, a few come to mind and make me smile. All so different, all bring something special to my life. Some are old friends who I've lost touch with and have returned. Others are fairly new but have made a huge positive impact. I love my friends and I'm happy to say, they love me, too. There was a time when I didn't know that.

Music in SL is amazing. I love music anywhere and feel very lucky to be in the company of great musicians most of the time. Music has played a large part in my life. Certain songs remind me of certain times in my life. I can hear one of them and instantly be teleported (lol) back to that time and all the memories come flooding in. I'm a visual artist in RL (when I can log off long enough) but music has always been my first love. Sometimes music in SL starts feeling more like work and I miss the pure enjoyment of it. But if I work in SL at all (and I swore I never would!) at least I'm glad it's doing something I love.

RFL - well RFL I don't really know what to say. As some of you know, my mom died of skin cancer when i was 23. That impacted my life in a huge way. RFL in SL is amazing. And I'm proud to be a part of it and a member of the All-Stars team. I love Lo and Nikki for doing everything they do for RFL. I've met some awesome people because of it. So much work goes into it but everyone does it because they care. They've either lost someone to cancer or are a survivor or struggling with the disease currently. It is a reminder to me to live life to the fullest every day. I'm not always successful at that, but I know it's importance.

I guess those were my three positive things going on in SL.  =)

Thanks for reading =)


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