12 June 2010

Goodies with a Dash of Magic

I have a lot (I think) that I want to say. So let's get on with the Goodies. These are a few items from the Blue Dressing Room that I just had to have once I received the notecard. All of these items are under 100L.

First is Mimikri - Starlet Bikini

Baiastice - Maya Blue

Tee*fy - Chalk Dress in Summer


Doppelganger - Zuma Plaid (50L Friday item)


Several things happened tonight. Let's just say that lately my faith in myself and in other people has been somewhat messed with. I don't know why at my age I would still be shocked and hurt when I am...well...shocked and hurt. A friend in SL told me that when I love, I love HUGE. I give all of myself to it. He was a little concerned maybe although he said it was a good thing. In the last week, I have not felt like giving 100% is a good thing. I think it is a very dumb thing. So my faith in human kindness has been obliterated lately.

And then, right when I don't think I will ever believe again, when I'm moping around and putting on a happy face....a little angel appears out of no where. She didn't do anything huge or big. She was just kind and generous. I won't go into detail much, but I had never met her. I saw her at The Dressing Room and happened to like what she was wearing. I im'd her to tell her but she didn't respond. I realized that she was actually the creator of the dress.

I went to the store and discovered a beautiful place with wonderful clothes. There was a lily pad you could sit on and instantly I was floating all around in this most enchanting place. It made me happy. It made me smile again. And I had to have them. I im'd the creator and asked if they were for sell. They were not, but she immediately left whatever she was doing and  came to the store. She said she would sell them for 1L each. I wanted 5, and she gave me 6. I tried to pay her more but she wouldn't take it.

Love this dress. Group gift  =)

You know how when you're sad and someone does something nice and you almost lose it? Well, it was like that. =)

the creator

The creator is Tomo Wachter and the store is tomoto. She makes wonderful dresses and is a wonderful person. If you aren't familiar with her or her designs, please make time to stop by. You will be happy, like me. =)

and thank you to several people today and tonight who, either knowingly or not, made me smile and reminded me that I am loved. 


  1. Firstly, I'm hoping you're hitting countless SL beaches with those smexy bikini outfits, because you sure rock them!

    But more importantly, about doubting yourself because of still getting shocked and hurt sometimes (I'm leaving out the whole at your age thing because you make it sound as if you were just about to go pick yourself a nice crypt... sheesh). Even though it hurts, it's actually a good thing. It means you're still alive with the whole of your soul. It's not being able to be hurt that you should, it's not being able to be aching that would be worrysome.

    I don't know. Is there any other way of loving than doing it a 100% ? I kind of think that if you don't put 100% in it, it's not love. But maybe I'm wrong and naive and still too far from my crypt :)

  2. I have missed you so much and this comments reminded me why. *hugs* Thanks for the validation. Hope you are well...and happy!

    Funny you should post this comment. After this I'm going to blog on the question "Why did you start blogging?" You and Sorcha had so much to do with that.. =)

  3. Gorgeous outfits and gorgeous pictures!!! I agree with Bitter. Love BIG or go home. It's the only way to go. :)

  4. Thanks Aimee. I think I lost your email addy. Send it to me at joonie220@yahoo.com We need to catch up. *hugs*


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