11 June 2010

Linden Lab Fires 30% of Staff - Memorial Erected | Second Life Update - Virtual World 3d

Linden Lab Fires 30% of Staff - Memorial Erected Second Life Update - Virtual World 3d

You can visit the Linden Memorial Here. While you're there, drop some lindens in the tip kiosk. Codie did this so those of us that wanted to could pay homage to those Lindens who worked to bring us our Second Life and played in instrumental part in advancing it. There are many who remain, but 30% are out of work and maybe feel like their contribution went unnoticed.

Much speculation is being raised around this layoff. I can't and won't speak to that. I know what my hopes are for the future of Second Life. Let's all hope there is one.

1 comment:

  1. Users started to left Second Life in end of 2008, when Linden Lab multiplied by 2 to 5 the cost of hosting for their basic product "open lands". These "open lands" were used by numerous people wanding to have their "dream place" into Second Life. Small users, but numerous and very active, their departure ruined numerous groups, rea estates, and larger initiatives.
    Linden Lab provoked other catastrophes since: the bad quality of the service (chat lag, alpha textures bug...), an entirely closed system, an obsolete technology, accusations of pedophilia against anybody, users "assassinated" for trite motives, and lately the horrible browser 2.
    Second Life is still not dead, there is still people in. But they are passionnate users, who believe in it, and who, for this reason, bear the stalking and shemes by Linden Lab. But it is clear that Second Life does not favourise new users... It is in more very harsh for business, the last, IBM et Manpower, being bailing the ship....

    It is time to pass to something else, with today technologies, without ideological bias, respecting individual rights, and for everybody... as for the classical Internet. It is what I try to foster with my manifesto of the metaverse, http://www.kailye.net


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