10 June 2010

BBBC 2010 & Plurk

Yep, I succumbed to my own inner peer pressure! (Pisces w/ Gemini Moon - it's a special place) And I'm already jonesing for the next plurk. Gah!

But one of the things I really missed not being on Plurk were the newsy things, like Linden Labs (laying off people - oh my!) and about other bloggers, fashion, and soooo many things I'm not sure I need to know. But I was barely there 5 mins when I read a Plurk about the BBBC 2010 - aka - Big Bad Blogger Challenge. I did the first one and really enjoyed it. Missed the next one so def going to do this one.

You can read about it at Alicia Chenaux's blog (click on the title of this post above.) Just a reminder: this is not to register but for info. More info and how to become a part of this will be posted on Sunday, I believe.

Hope to see you there! The more people involved the more fun it will be.  =)

Til next time ...thanks for reading!


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