10 June 2010

The One Where Joonie Posts New Truth Hair

No time to discuss...RL and all that. But here are the NEW TRUTH hairs released today.

First is Nicola in Champagne. I will say that while I was waiting for this to rez, I saw the braid first and was a little bit disappointed. But when the bangs began to rez, I was soooooooooo happy. Joonie has to have bangs or she looks like she has a receding hairline. This is absolutely gorgeous and is perfect for Summer. Nice. Relaxed. Hanging out at your beach cabana reading and sipping Mojitos.


Next is Peyton in Swedish. Love the pulled back on the side look, secured with those cut pins. Very pretty.

I saved the best for last. Joonie absolutely loves this style. It's called Boho and Joonie is kicking it in Champagne.  I have no words...lol...and that is amazing in itself. Okay...deep breaths. This is a beaded band with 21 color combinations for the beads! I'm wearing silver and gold here.

That's it for now. Here's Joonie loving herself thanks to Truth Hawks. =) Well, that's not the only reason, but he sure does help! 

Go get them now!

Your limo awaits. Click below!

Truth Hair New Release


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