03 June 2010

My Big Head

I know this is the lamest post evah! But it's all i've got. Sometimes talking just gets old. Tonight I just needed to sit and chill. Had lots to think about. Tomrrow isgoing to be a busy day for me. Good busy...but still busy. So I'm relaxing while I can. But...there's more...

If you find yourself looking for something to do tomorrow, there's going to be an awesome exhibit by Genevieve Silvercloud/Gen Montreuil at Studio Genre. There well be a live feed from Cafe Taste in Toronto...let me just share the Press Release info:

Gen Montreuil, a Toronto Artist known for her abstract skydiving images published internationally, is presenting her Solution Series. A collection of mixed media abstract images all painted during live video broadcasts, via the virtual world of Second Life. Recently interviewed for Art Calendar Magazine, (June Issue) by New York Times recognized avatar artist, Jeffery Lipsky AKA Filthy Fluno in Second Life.
To complete this series Gen will be collaborating with Norman Kent, skydiving photographer and videographer. His work has appeared in feature films and magazines internationally. http://www.normankent.com/ .

A Perspective on Solution is a cross media art show derived from Gen’s use of the virtual world Second Life with her art. Through personal conflict Gen has produced 8 paintings all created live in front of international audiences within this virtual world. Each painting stems from an original photograph taken in Second Life. She then altered the image slightly utilizing every medium she works in. The final image will be a body painting and photo shoot of this image will be done live by Norman Kent at the opening of the exhibit, and broadcast into Gen’s virtual gallery in Second life.
”While trying to work out the balance of clichés in my life, I was getting frustrated with the linear and emphatic advice I was getting from those around me. So I set out to demonstrate with my art and all the different forms that it takes, that there are more than two or three perspectives on any given situation in life. I am challenging people to think outside the box and let go of silly preconceived ideas.”
All paintings in the exhibit are for sale, including pre orders of limited edition 18” x 24” prints of Solution IX. Numbered and signed by both Norman Kent and Gen Montreuil.
Café Taste, 1330 Queen St W will be hosting the exhibition June 2010, the opening reception is Thurs. June 3rd 6 – 10PM. For details visit the upcoming exhibition page on Gen’s website http://www.genreinc.com/. As well as the DREAMS THAT SOAR page about live paintings, done from the exhibit and broadcast into Gen’s art gallery in the world of Second Life during the summer.
The presentation of this exhibition is being done to celebrate the kick-off of Gen’s challenge to combine a world record skydiving event and art to assist children living with AIDS in Ontario. A press release on DREAMS THAT SOAR, to follow this coming week.
Space is limited. Those coming to witness this cross reality art show are encouraged to come early. Art, live music, and performance photography. This cross media event knows no borders and will have attendees internationally within the world of Second Life.

The musical lineup is:

Maximillian Kleene will be opening the show at 3pm streaming live from Cafe Taste in Toronto.

Moshang Zhao will be playing from 5-6pm while Primervuelo Starsider/Norman Kent is streaming live from Cafe Taste in Toronto Canada.

Komuso Tokugawa will be playing from 6-7pm while Primervuelos' photoshoot continues.

Strum Deisel will be playing the last set of the evening  from 7-8pm while the show in RL is winding down.

Hope to see you there! Festivities start at 3pm @ Studio Genre!


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