03 July 2010

Fashion Fest 2010 - Exhaustion for a Good Cause

Fashion Fest 2010 opened tonight with some of the best music in SL. The Follow kicked it off for an hour of their own amazing sound. Then Damian Carbenell hit the stage with more awesomeness before the Limited Edition Fashion Show began. Then Skye Galaxy hit the stage and OMG the lag was insane. After restarting the sim, Max hit the stage. He refused to leave until we had made 20,000 more lindens. And you know Max...we made it!

Tomorrow promises to be another awesome day at Fashion Fest. Over 100 designers! Erin68 Frog will start things off tomorrow at 10am. After Erin is the One of a Kind fashion show. Shasta Soulstar is at 12 noon. Following Shasta is the Designers Ball in Venice.

After the Designers Ball, CraigLyons Writer will take the stream from 3-4pm, followed by Damian Carbenell at 4pm. Keeba Tamma will round out the day at 5pm.

I hope to see all of you there! It will be one of the more amazing days in SL and for RFL!

Main Street Stage - Live Music
Venice - Designers Ball

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1 comment:

  1. You are doing an awesome job J! You should be very proud!


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