05 July 2010

Slow Truth - "New" Truth Hair!

 I could say I've been incredibly busy, which is true, or I could just get right on with the hair and quickly offer mea culpas for being late.  Let's go with the latter, okies?

Roxana below. Cute and smexy. As always, I love wisps around the face. The side-parted bangs, the layering and ..O.M.G....the angle forward.  I might wear this on all summer except....

There's Tabitha. I have never felt more Barbielicious untill I put this hair on. Could she be any cuter? She's ultra-feminine, ultra-Barbie and ultra-Blonde. Get this girl to a beach -stat! Love the side pony up high at the ear.

Last is Josephine. Me fave this time around. Love the softness of this one. Feminine but intelligent. LOL

That's it for now. I could have gushed longer but it's late. Grab the limo below and grab your fave Truth hair. They're all absolutely gorgeous.

Truthmobile to Truth Hair



  1. I love your Truth hair reviews!! I live SL vicariously through you because my computer can't handle SL anymore! :)

  2. LOL! I'm dying - I just took pics for Black Sheep to showcase Roxana. I use the midnight with dark red streaks.

    Great minds think alike. :)


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