12 July 2010


A lagniappe (, ) is a small gift given to a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase (such as a 13th donut when buying a dozen), or more broadly, "something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure. ...

Friendship blossoms among the ruins. RFL is about Hope. Hope that arises after experiencing something tragic. After working against all odds. Against nastiness. Against forces that were trying to beat us down, hold us back, hoping we would give up. We did not. We could not. And we arose out of that the stronger. And we kicked butt. And not just us, but all of you who stood with us.

Well it WAS Fashion Fest, so I have to throw in a little shoutout to AvaGardner Kungler of Kungler's. She designed this amazing dress.


I'm extremely exhausted but still on a high from tonight. It was an amazing day that I hope will stay with me in the coming days and weeks. I can't even put into words what happened over the last 9 days and tonight in particular. But something profound happened during Fashion Fest. Anyone who was there knows what I'm talking about. It was during the Valentino Lagerfeld Tribute Show. I am not even going to attempt explaining it. I don't have the mental clarity or capacity to put into words what happened and the effect it had on me and all of us who were there. It was magical and sad in a very collective way. Filled with Hope and Sorrow. Remembrances and Acknowledgement. I relay for my mom who died of melanoma at the age of 47. We all had a story to tell of parents, friends, partners, children who have been touched by cancer. It was horrific and yet moving. It brought us closer together in our pain and gave us Hope that no other young girl will have to watch her mom wither before her eyes and die a death that is prayed for. Fathers, mothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, children, husbands, wives, partners, friends all gone too soon. Over 3.5 million lindens were raised during Fashion Fest. Amazing.
I'm so tired and so what I'm going to say next might not be very cohesive, but I won't be able to sleep tonight without giving a special shoutout to a very special friend. I was really struggling with exhaustion. My feelings were raw. I wanted to just turn into a big puddle of mush. I really felt like I was seriously losing it. And it wasn't even near the end of the week yet. This person let me lean into him. He held me up. Didn't make fun of my incoherent, hallucinatory requests for love. Gave of himself in a way I haven't seen done by too many people. Brought immense joy to people with his generosity. And I am lucky to call him my friend. He stood by me today, almost 8 hrs. Didn't leave my side. There are no words, sincerely none, that can ever come close to saying what today meant to me. Thank you UNOME. I don't think I ever really did until today.
So many people to thank. It will have to happen another day. This Relayer is going to sleep and dream.


  1. Joonie, thank you for your continued perserverance against cancer. I know what you're feeling and about the anger that wells up inside when things happen beyond your control. Instead of giving in, you channeled that energy into a great positive - not only for the fight, but as an example to the rest of us as to how to live our lives.

    I'll stand beside you anytime, anywhere.

  2. Beautiful dress, BTW... It reminds me of money, which is fitting, given the circumstances. :)


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