20 July 2010

Summer of Love Fair #1 - Emotional Abuse

Spent most of the day today checking out the Summer of Love Fair. Below is information about the Fair.

S U M M E R  O F  L O V E  F A I R

Fashion for Mental Health Awareness

:: T H E F A S H I O N ::

This July, a selection of your favourite designers will be presenting us with brand new items at the Summer of Love Fair. These items will be available at the fair and nowhere else (at least 'til it's over). Clothing, skins, hair, poses, accessories and more... we've got you covered.


The fair will take place between JULY 18TH and AUGUST 8TH

:: T HE P U R P O S E ::

The purpose of this fair is twofold... firstly, FASHION. Who doesn't love a good fashion event? Brand new items, some at discount rates, all in one glorious place. Lovely. Secondly though, there will be information about all sorts of mental health issues and illnesses throughout the venue. Mostly these will be visual aids around the precious couture so that people don't have to read huge chunks of text. The main purpose of the fair is to de-stigmatise mental health issues. A lot of people in Second Life have unhappy "real lives"... for whatever reason. Some of us are unwell, disabled, depressed and other people are just lonely or don't like who they think they are; but no one is alone and in SL we can be ourselves. So don't let it beat you black and blue... couture can help!
Unlike something like cancer or diabetes, mental illness is still considered a huge undiagnosed illness that effects millions of people. The social stigma surrounding mental illness is still a huge factor in the shame people feel. They either can't or don't feel comfortable seeking out the help they need. Others think it is just they way it is without realizing that there is help out there.

Throughout the Fair, there are informational green ? labelled with various "mental illnesses" that, when clicked, will provide a notecard concerning that particular one. What I'd like to do is share a few of them that pertain to me personally AND show off a few of the fashion goodies I found there. Hope we learn some things and enjoy fashion at the same time, which seems to be the Fair's intent.

My first topic is Emotional Abuse (see below).  I always think of redheads as being strong women and I wanted Joonie to feel strong for this topic. Many times, both men and women who have been verbally abused have low self esteem due to the abuse. I wanted to feel empowered so, for me, that meant a stronger look. Still sexy, but strong. Details below.

First, I changed my hair and skin. 
Hair:  Denier Cri - Heather in Chestnut

Skin: Glam Affair - Summer makeup 9 & 10

Nothing says I'm going to kick you in the balls if you ever talk to me like that again like a pair of stilettos. These do the trick. 

#OC# Mercy - Gold
Mercy indeed!

And to pull it all together, this sexy cutout dress. It's by [Plastik.] Summer of Love - Enchant.
Comes with the tats in various layers and levels of shades.
Emotional Abuse

*What is emotional abuse?*

Emotional Abuse allows one person to gain power and control over another through words and gestures which gradually undermine the other’s self respect. Emotional abuse can be difficult to identify, as there is no scars or marks, and the torment can continue indefinitely. Conflict, arguments and criticism are all healthy ways of interacting with others – so what makes communication abusive? Emotional abuse falls into three patterns:

- Aggressive: which includes name-calling, belittling, blaming, accusing, yelling, screaming, making threats, degrading insults or destructive criticism.

- Denying: this includes sulking, manipulation, neglecting, not listening, withholding affection and distorting the other’s experience.

- Minimising: this can include belittling the effect of something, isolating, accusations of exaggerating or inventing and offering solutions or 'advice'.

*What can being emotionally abused lead to?*

- Depression or Anxiety

- Increased isolation from friends and family

- Fearful or agitated behaviour

- Lower self-esteem and self-confidence

- Addiction to alcohol or drugs

- Escapist behaviour

Emotional abuse can damage a person's confidence so that they feel worthless and find it hard to make or keep other relationships. Secrecy and shame usually maintain the abuse.

*What are the causes of emotional abuse?*

Powerlessness, hurt, fear and anger are often unresolved issues for both the abuser and the abused. Childhood patterns can be re-enacted in emotional abuse with one participant taking the 'parent' role and the other adopting that of the ‘child’. A person may also be an abuser in one relationship and abused in another as they reverse unresolved emotions. Abusers find it difficult to handle their feelings and blame their problems on others instead.

*Where can I get help/more information?*


Bursting the Bubble - http://www.burstingthebubble.com/
Relationships Australia - http://www.relatiosnhips.com.au/
When Love Hurts - www.dvirc.org.au/whenlove/

Childline - www.childline.org.uk/Childabuse.asp
NSPCC - http://www.nspcc.org.uk/
Women's Aid - http://www.womensaid.org.uk/
Help 2 Heal UK -  www.helptoheal.co.uk/abuse-counselling.html    Directory of abuse counsellors


Helpguide - http://www.helpguide.org/
National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-787-3224
Healing Club -  http://www.healingclub.com/  - Online support community for domestic violence victims and survivors
DailyStrength -  http://www.dailystrength.org/ - Support for victims of physical & emotional abuse
The Verbal Abuse Site -   www.verbalabuse.com/

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