20 July 2010

Summer of Love Fair #2 - Panic Attacks

Summer of Love Topic #2 - Panic Attacks

Poses: Summer of Love - Diesel Works - Emo Poses


*What are panic attacks?*

Panic attacks are extremely frightening. They seem to come out of the blue, strike at random, make people feel powerless, out of control, and as if they are about to die or go mad. A panic attack is an exaggeration of the body’s normal response to fear, stress or excitement. When faced with a situation seen as potentially threatening, the body automatically gears itself up for danger, by producing quantities of adrenalin for 'fight or flight'. This would have prepared our cave-dwelling ancestors to fight or run away from danger, but it’s much less appropriate to the stresses we encounter today. Panic attacks come on very quickly, symptoms usually peaking within 10 minutes. Most panic attacks last for between five and 20 minutes. You may have one or two panic attacks and never experience another. Or you may have attacks once a month or several times each week. This is one of the most distressing aspects of suffering from panic attacks – they may seem completely unpredictable, and therefore uncontrollable.

*What causes these attacks?*

There are many physical and psychological factors, which may be interwoven. You may experience panic only in response to a particular situation, such as flying or visiting the dentist. Or you may feel perfectly fine during a stressful event, but may have an attack later. This is because adrenalin levels don’t drop straight away. Any major life changes and events can trigger panic attacks. Also, some will experience panic attacks without being able to identify the reason or cause of it. However, it can lead to the avoidance or particular situations or places, as if the brain would make association between the panic attacks and the particular context where it happens. This can then lead to different forms of phobia (agoraphobia, social phobia and so on).


*How can I help myself?*

Your panic attacks are likely to make you feel out of control and dependent; the victim of your bodily reactions and outside circumstances. The first step along the road to recovery is recognising that you have the power to control your symptoms. Take control. Start by really looking, in detail, at your panic attacks. When did they happen? Where were you? What were you thinking? See if you can identify particular thoughts that trigger a panic reaction. A number of experts have emphasised the need to accept the panic attacks when they occur and that it may in fact be most helpful if you try and ride out the attacks to learn that no harm will come to you. This may sound strange, but fighting them only increases your level of fear and allows your panic to take on tremendous proportions. Accept that a panic attack is unpleasant and embarrassing, but that it isn't life-threatening or the end of the world. By going with the panic, you are reducing its power to terrify you. If the panic attacks become a detriment to your everyday life, going to get help from your doctor should be something you consider. They may prescribe various treatments including therapy and medication depending on your situation.

*Where can I get help/more information?*

Anxiety UK –  http://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/  – For those suffering from anxiety disorders

British Association for Behavioural Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) –  http://babcp.com/  – Promotes CBT and provides a list of private accredited therapists
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) –  http://www.bacp.co.uk/  – See website for details of local practitioners

The Institute for Complementary Medicine (ICM) –  http://www.i-c-m.org.uk/  – Has a register of professional, competent practitioners

No Panic –  http://www.nopanic.org.uk/  – Helps people experiencing panic and anxiety disorders




*Gratuitous shots of Joonie*   ;-)

S U M M E R  O F  L O V E  F A I R

Purchased at Summer of Love Fair:

*LC*E - Gypsy Earrings
Mynerva - Peace Plugs Elf Ears
Poses - Diesel Works - Emo Poses

Not purchased at the Fair:

Bender & Brissot's - Joonie's exclusive RFL
Truth - Syvia in champagne
Shoes - Maitreya Gold - Shanti in Black

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