24 August 2010

Emerald Punishment by Honour McMillan

Awesome post....thanks Honour.  LMAO!


So who knows what will happen. I've never liked coloring within the lines. Now before anyone accuses me of condoning hacking or spying, let me say that I understand the seriousness (wonders if she can say that word without laughing) of the infraction. But now it seems even P. Linden wants to hang the entire Emerald team up on a meat hook and make them crawl through several mazes for their dinner and prove they can play by the rules before they get to be on the cool kidz list. Being approved of isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I dunno....just seems the dev that tried to ruin it for all of us is gone. So let's play ball!



  1. That was pretty hilarious...

    I'm with you Joonie, but I'm not surprised at all by LL's response here. They have a product to uphold and need to show a strong front.

    What do I really think is driving their response? They see a golden oppotunity to kick Emerald to the side and convert users to the LL viewer. By planting seeds of doubt, and hopefully converting users, they may be able to finally justify development costs and salaries of coders. It will pass... Emerald will be fine... It's too good of a product for people to leave en masse.

    Like you said, let's play ball! :)


  2. b - That is exactly what LL is doing. They saw an opportunity to feed the panic and they took it. I can't really blame them for that. Afterall, it is, at it's core, a business. Not sure it started off that way.

    thanks for your comment =)

  3. LL doesn't need everyone to use their official viewer to make money.
    They need as many people as possible to connect to the grid, to make money. Emerald is actually important to them, and they have not banned its users from connecting, they're wanting it to get back on track. The amount of users connecting with Emerald is enormous and needs to be taken seriously and with discretion. And some people at Emerald apparently haven't. There is a price to pay.
    More viewers, more people. It is in LL's best interest to allow third party viewers. Kudos to LL for trying to guarantee some level of safety (even though tiny) at least with their TPV directory.

  4. Thank you for your comment, Tuli.

  5. In the real world, if you are good, really good, it just doesn't matter if you are "approved of," as long as you are not hurting anyone, you just rock. SL should be that way too and LL should be beding over backwards to get Emerald back on the TPV list, not vice versa, now that the people who did the damage are gone. My opinion only, of course!! :)

    Awesome post Joon!


  6. Hi! I agree with pdv, if youre good, and dont hurt anyone, you just rock =) A beautiful credo! Unfortunately, this guy from Modular Systems really did try to hurt someone... of course its tempting to think that the Lindens use this whole thing out of political motives, in an attempt to gain market-share with their own viewer, but i dont think they really had any other choice than to respond like they did. The 'incident' was not only a stain on Emerald, but will probably be experienced as a stain on SL all-together by lots, so... in the end that's not good for any of us really.
    Thanks for the post JJ =)

  7. PDV - thanks for your comment =)

    RG - When I talk about LL using this as an opportunity, I'm not talking about gaining market share - altho that could be an indirect by-product - but as a PR move. Their 2.0 viewer was and is a colossal disaster. No one liked it, no one used it, and yet it was the "official" viewer. Waaaaay up on their "deemed appropriate" list.

    Emerald, on the other hand, was and I hope still will be, the viewer of choice by at least half of the population on the grid. Do you really think that LL is not going to use that to their advantage as a PR tool?

    I find it also a bit odd that, after leaving LL and returning just a week or so ago, the first missive we recieve from PLinden is..."don't use Emerald! It's dangerous!"

    A stain? Okay, sure. It is and it's unfortunate. But the "stain" has been removed. And the team has had their eyes opened to what is possible when celebrating their success and not minding the store. They are more aware than ever now. If we were going to be afraid of the Emerald viewer, it should have been while we were blindly ignorant and the "stain" was still there. Now is not the time to jump ship, imo.

    Thank you for your comment, RG. I love the exchange of ideas here. =)


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