23 August 2010

Circling the Drain

So much going on lately on the grid. Personal and not so personal. Loss of friends and friendship. Discovery, confusion, misunderstandings, feelings of mistrust and feelings of compassion. Life on the grid isn't much different then life in RL, just more condensed.

Lots of thoughts about something and nothing. Death of someone in RL that you've grown to care about in SL...at first seems like an odd concept. One which drove me to ask for personal information from some of my closest friends in SL, something I rarely ask for or give out. I also felt the need to give my personal information to a few key people. That was interesting. Learned a thing or two doing that.

Emerald Viewer. 'nuff said about that. You're either in or your out. I'm still in....for now anyway.

Navigating relationships in SL is a challenge. Friendships can turn into betrayal in a heartbeat. Feelings of friendship can turn into more...but more what? Confusion reigns. One step forward, two steps back. What kind of dance is this? The one you love...the one you knew loved you...doesn't. Or do they? Maybe? maybe... He loves me, he loves me not. Who cares. Does it matter? I guess so or ...

Death has a way of putting things into perspective. I think I'll go soak my head in a bath of bubbles and steam and rose petals..and just chill. Turn my mind off...even if just for a few precious minutes.

JJ is wearing:

Absolutely nothing (free)


  1. Very inspiring words! Like that post very much!

  2. Joonie, I love this post. It's so raw and real and just...life. And, the photo is beautiful. Peaceful and evocative and a place to get away from all that life, just for a bit.

    Love you JJ!


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