15 August 2010

Project Z

I had the pleasure of meeting Zachh Cale the other night. Zachh and I have crossed paths at Live Music events in SL. He played at one of my fave venues in SL, The Kasbah. We spoke about his music and live music in general and I discovered that Zachh is involved in the Art scene in SL, as well.

Closer look at his profile (okay okay - I perved it) revealed that he likes to share his passion for art through Project Z. This is taken from his profile:

"One of my passions in SL is showing artists' creations - installations, paintings, sculpture, music, exhibits. artists rotate regularly on the Lennox Hill and Cetus simulators."

Currently showing at project Z:

Lunamaruna - Scottius Polke
Galaxies - Oberon Onmura
mirror, mirro - Blue Tsuki
Rain Beads - Glyph Graves
mushROOM - Scottius Polke
Three Triptychs - Chapl Paisley
Digital Woodcuts - Konrad Jansma

At Cetus:
Musical Sculptures - Flivelwitz and Nicolaus Skytower
LoopyLove by Maya Paris
Deco Abstracts - Zeppie Innis
Shadows - Cel Edman

I decided I needed to take a closer look so I headed off to Project Z, dragging my friend, Rik along.


There are several installations here. I only had time to check out a few.
I love interactive art. This one was fun..reaching for hands by Blue Tsuki.


This interactive piece by Scottius Polke reminded me a bit of a Van Gogh painting and is reminiscent of The Greenies home. Awesome illustration and fun to be a part of!

There are many more awesome works to see. I hope to go back soon and check out the rest! Click on Project Z below and see some amazing SL art.



1 comment:

  1. Again i was struck by how people beautifully express their creativity in SL, thank you for dragging me along Joonie =)
    hugs RG


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