18 August 2010

Tradingpost of Dreams

[e u r o p a] tradingpost of dreams

i've been a little bit silent lately. for me anyway. there's been a lot of vague feelings of uneasiness just below the surface. i thought with time i could get to what it was. there are lots of thoughts and feelings coming and going. right when i think i have a solid take on what they are, they morph into something else only to twirl around until they come back to their starting point.

how to write about that? i don't know. so here i am. writing nonsense and hoping someone out there might relate or at least have an idea what i'm trying to say.

when do we stop trading one dream for another. is it the same dream with different faces, different places, but the same dream. how do we know if the dream will turn into a nightmare. will this be the one with the happy ending. can we ever have a strong grip on what is real and what is make believe.

enough. just look at the pretty clouds and don't think about it too much.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Wow! What a beautiful photo. It was at the top of a page on one of the feeds and I had to stop and simply stare. That doesn't happen all that often these days. Your thoughts and the picture reflect each other -- and that is a pleasure also.

    Good luck with your answers and thanks for posting the SLURL.

    Explorers need new territories.

  3. Hi Joonie,

    Life, as you know, is not an easy thing – and it shouldn’t be. We experience some really amazing moments and some really painful ones. People come, people go… Questions abound… The constant throughout life is you never know what’s waiting around the corner. What’s there could be wonderful, it could be horrible… but there’s only one way to find out. You have to live and deal with what you’re dealt.

    All of the questions you have are real and legitimate – and there’s nothing wrong with longing for answers – but it’s not that simple. You have a lot to do with what those answers turn out to be. What you want shapes how you live and how you live shapes the result.

    So… what does all of that mean? Well for me… I try to not dwell too much on the past or the future and take one day at a time and see where that leads me. Life, while very hard and unfair at times, is an amazing gift. Every day I have is a fresh experience – new corners are turned, new questions surface… I wonder, but I’m not afraid. You shouldn’t be either.

  4. Joonie, I love this post and I don't see any "nonsense!" You've done an awesome job at articulating something that is very hard to explain. I think the reason thoughts and feelings morph and dreams change is that we aren't static--we are always changing and morphing ourselves. The challenge is to remain conscious enough to know its going on, and you are, and with time you will get to what it is.

    The photo is awesome too-- Definitely one of my favorites!

    Love you JJ!

  5. Hi Joonie =) i need to comment on this, ofcourse. I am struggling with the same questions. Indeed we probably ask ourselves this because of bad experiences in the past, experiences that turned out to be nightmares. They make us careful and suspicious, which is only natural because we are protecting ourselves. How can you know if this time, it will be a happy dream, instead of a nightmare? You cant... at least not in advance, there is no checklist that gives you the answer. Personally, I always try to be positive and give the dream a chance to proof itself, with the risk of having a nightmare after all or experiencing something immensely beautiful. As time passes, your faith in this dream can grow. It is a journey, that is not always easy, there are hurdles to take... but as you take these hurdles and keep wanting to continue the journey, your confidence grows and at some point you just know that it is not the nightmare, but the happy dream. *hugs* RG


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